
Safe and Secure Shopping

All credit and debit card payments on Yooobidali are processed through secure and trusted payment gateways managed by Razorpay your online transaction on Yooobidali is secure we use safe and secure SSL certificate with another highest levels of security and also Yooobidali makes security full proof & extraordinary by using Razorpay payment services which is popular for their services and full proof security. neither Yooobidali nor Razorpay store any of your sensitive data. we have invested heavily in industry-standard infrastructure to ensure that your private data is not compromised.

Few Highlights regarding security:

Yooobidali trust and implement Security in the fast lane and we use the best & latest security features to secure our website by using DDoS protection, Web application firewall(WAF), Bot Management, Page Shield , Rate Limiting behavior, safe and secure world class SSL / TLS encryption, Security Center & Threat intelligence

Few Heightlights regarding Razorpay security:

PCI DSS and ISO:27001 compliant: The PCI Council is a global body that sets compliance rules for managing cardholder data for all online payment systems.
ISO is an organization with a membership of 164 national standards bodies.

Secure & encrypted communication:

We use the highest assurance SSL/TLS certificate, which makes sure that no unauthorized person can access your sensitive payment data over the internet.

Tokenization to prevent data exposure:

Razorpay replace your 16-digit card number with a token, which replaces the original card number. Tokens are assigned randomly, making it extremely difficult to reverse-engineer the actual card number.

Does Yooobidali store my credit/debit card information?

No We don’t store your debit/credit card information because all payment process through Razorpay payment Gateway in case a customer want refund in his/her another account only then customer may provide us their account number and other details to make a refund through RTGS/NEFT/IMPS and we shall remove customer data after making a successful refund.

Does Razorpay store my credit/debit card infomation?

Customer card details may save in the form of tokens with Razorpay. The next time the customer makes any transactions, the customer can pay directly by entering the CVV of the card. This saves the customer the hassle of entering the card details multiple times for each transaction. As per the RBI guidelines, Razorpay will not save sensitive card details; we only save the tokens.

Saved tokens on Razorpay helps Yooobidali to process the customer refund in the same account using tokens (please be informed token doesn’t contain customer’s card details but may contain only last 4 digits.

Privacy Policy respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. For more details, please see our Privacy Policy.

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