Payment options

Yooobidali provides products to Indian customers from Various country and Yooobidali covers all the payment method that are possible and these methods also provides customers to easily buy the products, We are the only company that provides cash on delivery facility for the products that comes from out of India from various locations So we are the first and only service Provides who offers  Cash on delivery  in this type of format.

01. payment using debit/credit card . net banking , UPI and other similar available payment options in India. Please check the Image Below.

    Checkout yooobidali com -
    Checkout using Razorpay Payment Gateway, Customer may choose various payment method .

    02. Cash on Delivery: Yooobidali offers cash on delivery to their customers in various categories we collect some certain percentage of total order amount from the customer in cash on delivery and customer can pay rest amount at the time of delivery.

    Checkout – yooobidali com 1 -
    Cash on Delivery

    03. Using payment through Yooobidali wallet.Customer may receive reverese payment in their bank account or in their wallet its upto customer’s decision incase customer choose withdrawal the amount using yooobidali wallet in that case customer gets the money in their wallet and they can use this amount to make a new purchase. This wallet amount never expires so customer may use this amount anytime or request Yooobidali to refund this amount in their bank, if you have amount in the Yooobidali wallet you can use this amount in any new purchase you just need to copy Coupon Code from dashboard and paste this code in Cart Page or Checkout page so your wallet amount will be less in product price in case product price is lesser than your wallet amount then after adjusting the amount in new purchase remaining amount will be back to wallet. Please take a reference image below.

    Checkout – yooobidali com 2 -
    Purchase using wallet amount

    04. EMI option: During the checkout, you may find various EMI options provided by the bank’s debit/credit card if you wish to make a purchase on EMI basis you can, EMI facility is provided by the bank to their customers and this entire service and service policy is between Bank and their customer

    Customer may find EMI options during the checkout process if customer choose to pay using debit/credit card . net banking , UPI and other similar available payment options.

    Yooobidali is not responsible for EMI so we suggest you to understand EMI options and communicate with your bank authorities in case of any doubt.

    EMI facility is provided by the bank to their customers and this entire service and service policy is between Bank and their customer

    EMI Options -

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